El próximo 22 de Junio estaremos presentes en la Barcamp2 de Prestashop, que se celebra en Paris desde las 9 de la mañana y que por la tarde aprovecharemos para hacer algo de turismo.
9:00 – 9:15
Reception, and breakfast, offered by our hosting partner Oxalide
9:15 – 9:40
Opening by Bruno Lévêque, PrestaShop CEO
9:40 – 10:15
Back on the improvements made PrestaShop v.1.3 final, and upcoming features
10:15 – 11:00
Ergonomics, conversion and e-commerce websites’ design by François Ziserman – Araok!
11:00 – 11:15
11:15– 11:50
Discussion about PrestaShop’s business model and its marketplace PrestaStore
11:50 – 12:30
Security and performance, how to well optimize PrestaShop, case study, by Oxalide and PrestaShop
12:30 – 2:00 pm
Lunch Time
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Merchants and developers workshops (Except * : from 10:00am – to 5:00 pm)
Workshops for merchants / mixed
– How to use the Community tools (Forum, Translation tool, Languages packs, Bug Tracker, Feature Request…)
– Installation and configuration, functional questions around PrestaShop
– Improving the visibility of Prestashop websites: SEO, web marketing and social networks in practice, by the Gold certified agency Profiléo *
– Sell worldwide with PrestaShop (taxes, transportation, currencies, multilingual SEO…) by Ludovic Bodin and PrestaShop
Hosting stand: PrestaShop websites hosting by Oxalide and PrestaShop *
Developers Workshops
– Create your modules and share them on PrestaStore! *
– Good practices for PrestaShop code security and optimization, by PrestaShop and the Gold certified agency Sitti
– Create and integrate your PrestaShop template, by PrestaShop and the Gold certified agency NewQuest
During the day, free discussion places will be available for the participants.
A este evento iremos 4 integrantes de Hostienda encargados de diversos proyectos en Prestashop (Sergio, Pedro, Rubén y yo)
* Por otro lado, el pasado sábado hora española, salió una correción del último paquete de prestashop donde ya se corregian numerosos bugs. En éste último pasando ya a la versión 1.3.1 se corrige únicamente una vulnerabilidad XSS cuando se borraba un producto virtual.
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